Back in mid-2014 we surveyed our members and it completely changed our business.
We overhauled our video training, threw out all the junk and added more in-depth modules and PDF guides that everyone had been asking for. The result was an almost explosive growth in our ability to reach and train people. Realizing just how powerful this was in 2014, I wanted to survey our members again to see if there were any “missing link” that we needed focus on.
After sending just 2 emails we got back 1,378 completed surveys. Truth be told there was actually 4,503 responses but only 1,378 were considered 100% complete. Upon reading through the pages and pages of responses I also decided to reach out to 68 people for phone interviews and to learn more about how they trade options and what struggles they were having.
In the end, the last couple of weeks analyzing the data and reflecting on the interviews has made it clear that as a company, Option Alpha is on the right track, but could do so much more and needed to pivot. We could be so much more impactful than we already are if we focus on depth not width in our training.
I'll talk about my conversations with the people I interviewed, why I was shocked at the questions they asked, and finally the 3 new “Tracks” we’ll be rolling out soon based on the feedback we got.