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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know before you start.
What happens when my trial ends?

Your free trial account will cancel automatically after 30 days. You will not be charged and you'll receive multiple email notifications before your account is deactivated. You can upgrade at any time here.

What is included in my trial?

During your 30 day trial, you'll have full access to the Option Alpha platform and all the tools, including the backtester, screener, Trade Ideas, 0DTE Oracle, bots, automations, and the Community.

How many days is the free trial?

Your free account is active for 30 days. You'll have full access to the Option Alpha platform during your trial. Plus, you can connect your broker account to trade live positions during your trial.

Can I upgrade to a paid plan during my trial?

Of course! You can upgrade at any time. Click here to see our pricing plans and learn how to get a FREE Option Alpha Pro membership.

Will I be charged if I don’t cancel my trial?

Nope. We do not require any form of payment to start a trial and you'll never be charged unless you upgrade to a paid membership plan.

Do I need to cancel my trial?

No, your free trial account will cancel automatically after 30 days. You will not be charged and you'll receive multiple email notifications before your account is deactivated. You can upgrade at any time here.

Do I need a credit card to start a trial?

No. All you need to start your free trial is an email address and password. We will never ask for payment during your free trial and there are no hidden costs. You can upgrade at any time here.

How many backtests can I run in my trial?

Unlimited. There are no limitations on how many backtests you can run.

How does 0DTE Oracle work?

The 0DTE Oracle is a tool that helps us find and analyze 0DTE and next day trading opportunities. It aims to solve the problem of probabilities and expected value (EV) being less accurate for 0DTE trades by providing backtest results to help identify quality trades instead of relying on probabilities. Each trade's metrics are backtested against the underlying's previous 1 year of intraday minute data to see how trading a similar position daily would have performed over that time.

How does Trade Ideas work?

Trade Ideas scans continuously during market hours (9:35am - 3:55pm) and finds trade ideas in 3 ways:

  1. It analyzes the returns of thousands of position setups used by all of us (underlying symbol, leg deltas, days to expiration, etc) and loads the current market data for the top performing position setups and compares them looking for opportunities using Reward/Risk, EV (expected value) and Alpha (EV / Max Loss).
  2. It examines every option series expiring in 45 days or less that falls on a Friday and matches up every possible combination of legs at various delta values (.50, .45, .425, .40, .375, .35, .325, .30, .275, .25, .20, .15, .10) looking for opportunities.
  3. It examines all current open positions in the platform looking for opportunities.
Will Option Alpha build bots for me?

No, Option Alpha does not build or recommend bots for individual traders. We will, however, help guide you through using bots, setting up a bot and adding automations, and walk-through many examples and use cases for trading with bots.

What is an automation?

Automations are the instruction manual for your bots. You can use automations to scan the market for opportunities, open positions, manage your trades, and more.

What is a Bot?

Bots execute trading strategies inside your portfolio. Bots are the home for your positions, risk management, and automations. You are in complete control of your bot's activity and tell them what to do and when to do it. You can automate all of your strategy from entry to exit, or create hybrid manual-automated strategies.

Do you offer an onboarding class?

Yes, you can find everything you need to get started with bots and automation in the Option Alpha Fast Track.

How much does Option Alpha cost?

Option Alpha offers monthly and annual memberships with multiple pricing plans. See pricing for more details and learn how you can get a FREE Option Alpha Pro account.

Who controls the bots?

You do. You have complete control over everything and nothing will run without your explicit permission. You tell the bot when, where, what it will do through the creation of automations. You can build automations to run continuously, on a defined schedule, or at the push of a button. Just tell the bot exactly what to look for and what trade to make. Plus, you can interfere anytime to pause, close, or open trades out of sequence.

Can I paper trade my bots first?

Of course. In fact, we always recommend paper trading your bots first. We built our own paper trading platform that uses live data, unlike the delayed data often provided by brokers. This means you can use Option Alpha even if you never connect to a brokerage account to fully test your ideas with real market data.

Do I need to know how to code?

Nope - never! Option Alpha requires no coding experience. None. Zero. Nada. Our entire platform was built with a no-code framework which means everyone can learn how to use bots and automations with no prior experience. Plus, we also have extensive autotrading resource center to learn how to start autotrading.

What brokers are integrated for autotrading?

tastytrade, TradeStation, Tradier, and Charles Schwab are integrated and supported brokers. If you want access to a different broker, please request an integration with your favorite broker using the links on the Broker Integrations page. We will continue to announce new agreements with additional brokerages as they are signed and confirmed.

Do I need to download anything?

No, Option Alpha is a web-based trading platform that runs completely in the cloud which means you never have to download any local desktop software. We're always running, accessible from anywhere you have an internet connection. Plus, you never have to keep your browser open to run your bots either.

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