What's New in Option Alpha

Dashboard mockup

Dashboard mockup

Dashboard mockup

Dashboard mockup

Dashboard mockup

Dashboard mockup

Additional updates worth mentioning...


New release to introduce tagging functionality to bots and individual positions.

We’ve pushed a new version of the platform that includes the following updates:


  • Brand new action category for Tags.
  • New decision: Bot has any of these tags.
  • New decision: Position has any of these tags.
  • Ability to Add/Remove/Set tag on Bot or Position in UI inside automation editor.
  • Ability to Zoom In/Out on automation editor.
  • Ability to filter bots or positions by tag in respective dashboards.
  • Sample Bots, Discover, Popular lists added to Templates Dashboard.
  • Detection and blocking of unsupported browsers.
  • Sorting of templates in the Community by clones.
  • User profile now includes 2 tabs for "Posts" and "Templates" for better discoverability.
  • Billing and account type info added to Settings.
  • Welcome to Bots UI element on bot dashboard.
  • Ability to view Followers/Following inside user profiles.


  • Moved first auto-close back to 3:50 on expiration day to allow user-defined automations at 3:45 to run.
  • Removed incremental numbering default New Automation text upon creation.
  • Fields that use recipes for legs, expiration, amount, price, etc. now have the ability to edit the current value instead of starting over.
  • Various UI improvements.


  • Bug where automations were sometimes incorrectly added to My Library upon saving.
  • Bug where the multiple partial fill orders did not sum the final quantity correctly.
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Leverage automation to improve returns, find better trades, and transform into a superhuman trader.
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