What's New in Option Alpha

May 2024

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Dashboard mockup

Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Dashboard mockup


New release to introduce tagging functionality to bots and individual positions.

We’ve pushed a new version of the platform that includes the following updates:


  • Brand new action category for Tags.
  • New decision: Bot has any of these tags.
  • New decision: Position has any of these tags.
  • Ability to Add/Remove/Set tag on Bot or Position in UI inside automation editor.
  • Ability to Zoom In/Out on automation editor.
  • Ability to filter bots or positions by tag in respective dashboards.
  • Sample Bots, Discover, Popular lists added to Templates Dashboard.
  • Detection and blocking of unsupported browsers.
  • Sorting of templates in the Community by clones.
  • User profile now includes 2 tabs for "Posts" and "Templates" for better discoverability.
  • Billing and account type info added to Settings.
  • Welcome to Bots UI element on bot dashboard.
  • Ability to view Followers/Following inside user profiles.


  • Moved first auto-close back to 3:50 on expiration day to allow user-defined automations at 3:45 to run.
  • Removed incremental numbering default New Automation text upon creation.
  • Fields that use recipes for legs, expiration, amount, price, etc. now have the ability to edit the current value instead of starting over.
  • Various UI improvements.


  • Bug where automations were sometimes incorrectly added to My Library upon saving.
  • Bug where the multiple partial fill orders did not sum the final quantity correctly.
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