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Hello, we’re Option Alpha

For far too long the options industry has been fragmented, lagging, and unnecessarily complex. At Option Alpha we are devoted to empowering traders with simple, powerful tools supported by world-class research and education.
Active bots running inside our platform right now.
Total transaction volume of automated orders submitted by our traders.
Commissions saved through discounted broker pricing.

We're still making history

The Option Alpha journey is 10+ years in the making and, while the mission is still the same, it’s been quite the transformational experience. We've come a long way, but we're never finished.
October 14, 2008
Kirk Posts 1st Blog
On an admittedly "terribly self-designed" Blogger website with zero audience, our founder Kirk posts his very first blog post and starts writing and sharing his trading journey.
July 29, 2010
Option Alpha Launches
Officially registered on this date, Option Alpha launches the first version of it's website focused on providing high-quality education for options traders and grows organically.
January 11, 2015
Alta5 Raises Funding
After a year of working on automated trading behind the scenes, Jack Slocum, Rocco Savage, and Adam Mischon raised an initial friends and family round of funding to bring automated trading to the retail market.
January 18, 2016
Begins Publishing Research
Option Alpha publishes the first of many data-driven research reports seeking to help give traders better access to data and strategy performance for decision making. The seeds of future software development are firmly planted.
March 10, 2016
Watchlist Software Released
Option Alpha ventures out with it's first software product, the Watchlist, aimed at helping option traders sort and filter through trading opportunities faster with pre-calculated expected ranges.
May 11, 2016
The 1st Email Exchange
Rocco reaches out to Kirk following the Watchlist software launch and the two begin talking about ways to collaborate and blend technology with education. Little did they know what the future had in store for both companies.
December 15, 2016
500 Startups Funding
Alta5 is accepted into 500 Startups’ Venture Accelerator in San Francisco as part of Batch 20 and receives additional funding, support, and guidance.
June 1, 2017
Toolbox Software Released
Option Alpha launches its most robust software product to date, the Toolbox, which expands the suite to include an options backtesting engine and a data-driven strategy optimizer as it continues to expand and build.
October 16, 2017
Alta5 Launches to Public
Separately, Alta5 launches the first version of the autotrading platform to the public. It gives investors the ability to code their own strategies and receives traction from the algorithmic trading community.
December 11, 2017
The Crazy Idea
After multiple lengthy discussions around setting up a partnership to integrate the education and backtesting software at Option Alpha with autotrading technology at Alta5, Rocco calls Kirk and says, “We should merge.”
March 1, 2018
Merger Completed
Option Alpha and Alta5 join forces to bring an enhanced automated trading platform, no coding required, to the retail market supported by world-class education and research. The merged company continues operations under the Option Alpha brand moving forward.
August 15, 2018
Inc 500 | #215
Option Alpha is awarded #215 on the 2018 Inc. 500 list of the fastest growing companies.
August 14, 2019
Inc 5000 | #723
Option Alpha is awarded #723 on the 2019 Inc. 5000 list of the fastest growing companies and receives it's 2nd consecutive ranking, a rare honor.
November 25, 2020
Option Alpha files a provisional patent application with the USPTO No. 63/118,547 to protect the intellectual property of the automated trading platform developed.
December 24, 2020
1st Beta Invitations Sent
As an early present for the holidays, the first beta invites were sent to Elite traders and the company begins testing the industry's first no-code automated trading platform.
April 2, 2020
Beautiful New Website
A brand new and completely custom built website is released as the company expands training and education for the new platform while also upgrading and streamlining its internal systems as it prepares to scale to millions of traders.
Bot Rollout Accelerates
Access to Option Alpha's new platform continues to be rolled out to larger and larger groups of traders each week with new features and functionality added all the time.

We support traders all over the world

Through our brokerage partnerships, Option Alpha supports thousands of traders in over 120+ countries around the world.

Together we’re at the forefront of the next major shift in finance

Our Cause
We envision a world where people always have options. Where every person is empowered to manage their own finances, the playing field is level for everyone, and money is never the reason why they can’t live a life on their terms. Because life is a precious gift, time is limited, and the way we spend it defines who we are. A life with options is a life with freedom.
Our Platform
Your portfolio should help support the freedom to live your life how you want, and this shouldn’t be met with technology that stands in your way or holds you back. We believe there’s a better way to trade, and we’re laser-focused on building a trading platform with you at the center. A platform that provides a less stressful, data-driven approach that’s grounded in sound logic and timeless principles executed flawlessly with the best automation technology.
Our Name
It’s no coincidence that our name combines two of the most powerful words in language and finance. We want to be the pivot point in your life. The critical juncture that shifts and accelerates you to a completely new level of growth and freedom.

Option; the freedom, power, or right to choose something.
Alpha; the first, beginning, having the highest rank, excess return.
Our Unfair Advantage
We know our real unfair advantage has nothing to do with our platform or services. We believe our unfair advantage over everyone else is that we simply care about our traders more than anyone else. By connecting with and learning from like-minded people, we are building a huge community of empowered traders blazing a new path forward together.

Meet our passionate crew

Every member of our team is handpicked to help support our community and advance our cause. They're the best at what they do and give us a versatile range of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds to lean on.
Meet the Team

Strong values supported by core actions

Most companies have core values, but at Option Alpha we believe values are meaningless unless they are supported by unwavering action. So, these are our core actions and the framework that guides every decision we make. These are the fabric of our culture and community. They are important to us. If they are important to you, you belong here.
Help first and ask for nothing in return
We are generous with our time, expertise, knowledge, praise, connections, and resources. We're quick to help someone by answering questions, providing feedback, or pointing them in the right direction, even if that means holding their hand every step of the way. We always add value, go above and beyond, uplift others, and ask for nothing in return.
We put our traders and our community first
We treat our traders, team, and partners better than they ever expected because they are our #1 priority. We protect and support them like family, will never sell them out, and will never make decisions that harm them. We invest wisely in their growth, listen to their feedback, and fight for their success.
We have a strict "good human" policy
There's absolutely no space in our community for dishonest, cruel, judgmental, nasty people who try to undermine our progress. We know that a group of amazing, passionate people can change the world of investing. And creating a more inclusive, diverse, and open environment for collaboration and growth requires empathy and respect.
We do the right thing every time
In public or in private, we do the right thing, not just when it's convenient or easy. We're honest with our community and each other. If our platform or services aren't right for you, we'll say so. When it would be easy to sell hype, we'll instead sell the truth. It's better to lose and do the right thing than win and do the wrong thing. The interdependence our community needs to thrive demands the deepest levels of trust and integrity.
We exist to make a significant impact
We do not exist to make money. Instead, we exist to make a significant and lasting contribution to the lives of our traders. Such that if we didn't create and grow our platform, their world and life would be worse off. When we do this, we'll always generate enough money from the value we add and the impact we make to re-invest and give back.
We take extreme ownership at every level
We follow through on our commitments, never micromanage, and do what we say we'll do. When we mess up or make mistakes, we take full responsibility and hustle to make it up. Everyone, regardless of title, role, level, etc. is both individually responsible for their success as well as the success of this community. We own everything in our world, and blame no one else; we are all collectively stakeholders.
We seek simplicity in everything we create
We're relentless in our commitment to make complicated things simple and easy to use. And because simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, we know that when we do a smaller number of things with excellence, everyone in our community benefits. From automation software and training courses to research reports and support articles, we'll always remove the non-essential and focus on the most fundamental and critical features.
We love what we do, and we're proud of it
We genuinely love working on big, complex problems and building software that traders love. We are incredibly proud of our work and the impact it's making. And since the vast majority of our work is free and our platform is clean from obnoxious sponsors or ads, we’re passionate about marketing our paid products, which add value to the lives of our traders and allow us to support our mission.
We all embrace a growth mindset
We hold the belief that everyone is in control of their ability and is obligated to work towards higher and higher levels of emotional intelligence. An ideal where talents or skills grow with time and experience. Where nothing should be looked at as a success or failure, just a useful lesson or not. There's always plenty of room for improvement and innovation, and it's easier to adapt when you embrace a growth mindset.
We hire and partner with extraordinary people
Only the best people, no exceptions. As a remote company, we'll take talent, skill, and motivation over local geography any day. We invest in our people just as heavily as we invest in our platform and community. Our team and partners are the backbone of what we do, the foundation of everything you see here
We believe that balance is essential in all areas
Without balance, there would be nothing meaningful. Balance is essential for work, play, family, relationships, finances, and every other category or classification imaginable. Too much, or too little, and it all falls apart. We're strong advocates for balance, both inside and outside our community, as this fosters stability, productivity, and equilibrium.
We always, always maintain long-termism
We're building a company that will last, and we deliberately plan to be here for decades to come. We'll never chase overnight success or trendy fads. Consistent and persistent steps in the right direction will enable us to reach our long-term goals. We encourage people to think as large as possible and be brave enough to take calculated risks. This creates a natural passion for innovation and enough resilience to push through obstacles - both of which are essential for great accomplishments.

Heard on the street

We're humbled by the attention we've received and appreciate all the publishers kind enough to mention Option Alpha.
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Company Facts

Customer Service: +1 (305) 396-9118
Headquarters: St. Petersburg, FL
Founders: Kirk Du Plessis, Jack Slocum
Founded: 2010
Parent Organization: Alta5, Inc.

Still have questions?

We're always here to help and would love to connect.

Be a more powerful options trader
Leverage automation to improve returns, find better trades, and transform into a superhuman trader.
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