What's New in Option Alpha

May 2024

Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Dashboard mockup


Volatility symbols VXX and UVXY, minor UI changes and bug fixes


  • Symbols VXX and UXVY


  • Minimum bot allocation now $250
  • Activity alert checkbox color now a darker blue
  • Styling to unread Messages
  • Notification merger system to send all notifications to Home
  • Removed NLOK from database due to symbol change


  • Spark charts not matching bot performance
  • OHLC decision values reporting incorrectly
  • Spark charts not updating after backtest re-run
  • Position Limits not retained after backtest re-run
  • CCI time period in Screener showing CCI 10-day chart period instead of 20-day
  • Expiration date parser issue that prevented Equity email notifications from sending.
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