What's New in Option Alpha

May 2024

Personalized watchlists throughout the platform

  • Create custom watchlists that can be used in Bots, Trade Ideas, Screener and Top Strategies
  • Share and collaborate on watchlists in the Community just like bot templates. Want to see how it works? Reuben shared his watchlist of Falcon symbols in the community
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Bot Symbols and Watchlists

  • “Bot symbols” is a new setting for bots that allows us to scan a watchlist or custom list of symbols in a bot’s automations instead of having to use inputs or manage them manually in automations
  • Bot Symbols adds the power of automation to the symbol selection process, allowing us to sort, filter and/or exclude symbols right before every scan
  • Once the bot’s symbols are set up, we can use the symbols in a loop, or anywhere there’s a “Symbols” input

New ‘Conditional’ action in automations

  • The Conditional action works very similar to a Decision action except instead of branching in separate Yes/No paths, it selectively runs the actions on the “Yes” path if the criteria are met, and then continues down the original path. For example in the image below, the “Reset bot tags” action will only run if it’s 9:45am but the automation will continue down the path to the Bullish entry criteria no matter what time it is
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

New decision recipes to monitor when positions go in the money

New Scanner scheduling options

  • These new options give us more fine-grained control over when bots scan for new positions
Dashboard mockup


Customizable watchlists, conditional based decision, scanner scheduling, and much more!

Personalized watchlists throughout the platform

Create custom watchlists that can be used in Bots, Trade Ideas, Screener and Top Strategies:

Personalized watchlists throughout the platform

Share and collaborate on watchlists in the Community just like bot templates. Want to see how it works? @Reuben has already shared his watchlist of Falcon symbols in the community.

Share and collaborate on watchlists in the Community

Bot Symbols and Watchlists

“Bot symbols” is a new setting for bots that allows us to scan a watchlist or custom list of symbols in a bot’s automations instead of having to use inputs or manage them manually in automations:

Bot Symbols and Watchlists

Bot Symbols adds the power of automation to the symbol selection process, allowing us to sort, filter and/or exclude symbols right before every scan:

Bot Symbols

Once the bot’s symbols are set up, we can use the symbols in a loop:

Bot Symbols loops

Or anywhere there’s a “Symbols” input:

Bot Symbols input

New ‘Conditional’ action in automations

The Conditional action works very similar to a Decision action except instead of branching in separate Yes/No paths, it selectively runs the actions on the “Yes” path if the criteria are met, and then continues down the original path. For example in the image below, the “Reset bot tags” action will only run if it’s 9:45am but the automation will continue down the path to the Bullish entry criteria no matter what time it is.

New decision recipes to monitor when positions go in the money

Moneyness decision recipes

New Scanner scheduling options

These new options give us more fine-grained control over when bots scan for new positions.

Scanner automation scheduling options

Custom date ranges and multi bot selection in Analyzer

Custom date ranges and multi bot selection in Analyzer

Expanded Trade Ideas algorithm

We’ve expanded the Trade Ideas backend to analyze opportunities with legs at additional deltas values. On an average day it analyzes approximately 100 million possible trading opportunities! Here's the full list of delta values it uses now:

.50, .45, .425, .40, .375, .35, .325, .30, .275, .25, .20, .15, .10

New bot stats for beta weight and beta exposure

These new properties can be used to maintain a balanced portfolio and/or assess directional exposure. For example, if your bot’s beta-weight is heavily bearish and you prefer to be more neutral, you might choose to open a bullish position to help balance the existing positions.

Bot stats for beta weight and beta exposure

New recipe to calculate bot's total delta and other stats by symol

Calculate bot's total delta and other stats by symbol

Experimental “Tilt” stat added to Screener

This is an experimental idea that aims to predict when a symbol is more likely to mean revert. It works kinda like IV Rank except instead of ranking IV against the past year, it ranks how far the symbol is above or below its 50, 100 and 200 day against how far it has been in the past 1 year. For example, in the image below the symbol is 3.2% above its 50 day moving average which ranks in the 15th percentile vs the high of the past year (21.3% above).

How exactly we can use this new tilt metric while trading is still being formulated. If you have any ideas to contribute, we’d love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks again for being a part of the Option Alpha family. We look forward to hearing your feedback in the Community.  


The Option Alpha Team

Be a more powerful options trader
Leverage automation to improve returns, find better trades, and transform into a superhuman trader.
MacBook mockup