What's New in Option Alpha

May 2024

Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Dashboard mockup


Trailing Stops, Exit Option controls, Trade Ideas filters, Automation Editor upgrades and more!


  • Ability to adjust Exit Options inside of automations
  • Exit Option support for Trailing Stops
  • Exit Option ability to ignore abnormal bid/ask spread width 
  • Final day hour and minute Expiration selections for Exit Options
  • New choice for Smart Pricing Final Price: slippage from mid price 
  • Additional symbols added to Trade Ideas
  • Notes can now be added to any action in automation editor
  • New horizontal layout, color coding and collapsing for automation editor 
  • Probability Max Loss and Max Win columns for Trade Ideas
  • New filters for POP, PMP, and PML to Trade Ideas sorting
  • Ability to quickly include or exclude symbols from Trade Ideas results
  • Auto-updates to open/close position window 
  • Auto-updating to the trade screen, main bots list, positions, and bot positions
  • Decision recipe for before/after/exactly a specific calendar date MM/DD/YYYY
  • Decision recipe for detecting FOMC and CPI dates in the future
  • Status filter to Closed Positions and Trades
  • Trade Grid beta access for open testing (added group by dte and optional trade name by @xxxxx) 
  • Toggle switch to Bot dashboard for Exit Options
  • Filter by status for closed positions
  • Simplified flow to opening positions manually with smart pricing on top (watch as it moves through the prices) 
  • Updated bot dashboard, ability to toggle exit options off on in header
  • Allocation and exit options toggle added to bots list
  • Days in trade added to positions screens 
  • Action to modify position exit options from automation
  • Ability to collapse recipe groups 


  • Coloring on automation on/off toggle now darker green
  • Bot minimum allocation is now reduced to 250
  • Positions Total P/L column description now titled Open P/L
  • “Chance of Profit” renamed to “Probability of Profit” everywhere
  • Removed refresh button inside of open/close position window for auto-updates
  • Removed performance metrics from Home 
  • Performance Totals are now displayed across the top of Bots and Position pages.


  • Fixed Day P/L consistency between bot dashboard and Positions tab
  • Fixed bot stats chart failing to save overnight
  • Fixed watchlist disappearing on Home page on bad input
  • Fixed Activity Alerts resetting after one day
  • Fixed Community guidelines being displayed twice on reply posts
  • Fixed Load More button disappearing from Bot close position sorting 
  • Fixed duplicate Trade Ideas 
  • Fixed rounding down issue when capturing profit target in exit options (e.g., 39.6% for 40%)
Learn more about these updates here: Option Alpha April 2023 Release
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