The old "reactionary" way
As a swing trader, you're likely stuck reacting to market moves and breakouts after they've already happened which costs money.
Staring at multiple screens anxiously awaiting the next breakout or signal.
Dealing with mundane daily repetitive trading tasks prone to errors and mistakes.
Calculating risk, price targets, monitoring indicator levels on the fly.
Forced to confront your emotional biases when entering or exiting every single trade.
Trying to get better pricing on trades requires constant “cancel and replace” orders.
The new "automated" way
With automation, your time is freed up to improve your systems for entering and exiting trades by letting bots manage the daily tasks.
Bots easily watch and monitor all the tickers you want for specific signals.
Fully automated trading means that bots can handle all the decisions or possible scenarios.
Set it and forget it risk management with position and trade limits.
Data-driven, systematic decision making that never skips steps.
Use SmartPricing technology to send rapid-fire orders at intelligent intervals and prices.