The all-new 0DTE backtester uses 1-minute historical options data on the underlying ticker and tracks position returns to give traders the most comprehensive 0DTE and next day stats. But that’s not all.
We can instantly turn any backtest into a bot to trade the backtested strategy automatically. All of the backtest’s settings, including specific entry times, exit options, position criteria, market conditions, and technical indicators, are added when the bot is generated.
How to create a bot from a backtest
First, pick the backtest you want to use to generate a bot. Remember, you can compare multiple backtest variations to see what settings work best. Click ‘Create Bot.’

Name the bot, assign it to an account, and set the allocation and trade pricing.

Your new bot is ready instantly!

The bot includes a scanner automation that automatically pulls over all the backtest’s settings, entry criteria, position details, and Exit Options.

0DTE options trading has exploded in popularity. There are many benefits of trading 0DTE and next day strategies, but one significant drawback is the lack of 1-minute data and managing positions. Option Alpha’s 0DTE backtester creates a new world of opportunity for options traders looking to find an edge, consistently trade a proven strategy, and leverage automation to enter and exit trades, all with the confidence of backtested results.