The release of Watchlists and Bot Symbols provides a whole new level of flexibility for Option Alpha traders. We can now create, use, and share custom watchlists throughout the platform. This makes it easier than ever to quickly change a bot’s symbols with watchlists that can be shared in the Community and used in any bot.
Creating a Watchlist
We can create custom Watchlists in a number of places, including the Screener, Trade Ideas, and Home page, so you can reference them anywhere in the platform.

Watchlists are integrated throughout Option Alpha, so we can quickly switch between Watchlists, add new Watchlists or modify/delete existing ones in any of the tabs mentioned above. Just use the dropdown menu wherever you see the star icon.
Watchlists are also available to use inside any bot as Bot Symbols. When adding Bot Symbols to a bot, you can select one of your pre-existing Watchlists.
Bot Symbols
Inside a bot’s Settings, we now have the ability to add and use our custom Watchlists as the list for Bot Symbols. We can also create a custom list of symbols specific to the bot.

We have the option to sort a Watchlist in Bot Symbols from high to low or low to high using three metrics to rank the symbols:
- IV Rank
- Change %
We can also add additional filters for earnings or ex-dividend dates, IV Rank, and RSI.
Symbol limit and exclusions
Limit the number of symbols the bot will scan and exclude any of the Watchlist’s symbols when the automation runs.
The bot will sort and filter the selected watchlist before every scan to produce a list of symbols.
For example, the bot will use our Big Tech watchlist that sorts the tickers from highest to lowest IV Rank, avoids tickers with earnings or ex-div in the next 10 days, limits the list to 5 symbols, and excludes NVDA.

After saving your Bot Symbols’ Watchlist, you can see the list of populated symbols. You can refresh the symbols to see the list re-populate using real-time data.

Connecting to Symbol loop and Inputs in automations
We can also use Bot Symbols in an automation's symbol loop and symbol inputs, giving us the ability to combine our custom Watchlists with the power of automation.
Symbols update automatically before each scan to produce a unique set of symbols every time your automations run and those symbols flow through to the bot. The Bot Symbols loop is connects our Bot Symbols, which update dynamically throughout the day.

We can also use the the Bot Symbols input throughout the automation. The symbols input updates automatically with the symbols as well!

Share and save Watchlists in the Community
All Watchlists can be shared with the Community. You can view all shared lists in the Watchli collection.

Select on any Watchlist and click 'Save.'