You can now run an event automation ten minutes after the market opens and ten minutes before the market closes.
Scheduling event automations gives you an extra scan at the beginning and end of the trading day.

We can think of so many great use cases for this new event interval, and we’re already seeing unique examples in the Community that we want to share with you.
A popular way to use these new event options is to perform an early or late check on position or bot tags each day. Automations typically run every 15 minutes after the market open. Now you can run an event automation before the first scheduled automation runs.
For example, you can schedule an automation for ‘Market Open’ to check volatility or ticker level data and then set the bot tags to enable, disable, or customize how the bot behaves that day.
Now your bot can check positions and edit tags after the market is open but before your other automations run. How great is that?!
You could also do a quick scan at the end of the day to ensure no positions are in-the-money before the close.

And of course, you can customize these new bot events to run on particular days of the week if you wanted, such as Monday and Friday only.
You now have an added layer of flexibility and control across your bots which enables you to automatically check different bot attributes before the first and after the last scheduled automations run.