About this template
The icon for this template is a squirrel, because the idea is to buy just one symbol (i.e. sock away nuts ) anytime a significant price drops occurs. Then to hold those long positions until a reasonable price recovery and therefore profit occurs.
NOTE: Please only specify one stock or ETF symbol as the input to the scanner. The logic will not work with more than one symbol. But it won't warn you if you define multiple symbols, it just will get confused and probably lose lots of money.
LOGIC: When significant price drop occurs over a relatively short time (e.g. 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, or 5 days), attempt to make purchases whenever the price crosses under the 10 day SMA, 20 day SMA, 30 day SMA, 40 day SMA, 60 day SMA, and 80 day SMA. It also attempts to snag up to two opportunities that are significant but that do not cross any SMA or occur in between SMA values. On paper account the week of Feb 20th, 2023 the bot made seven great SPY buys at opportune times. If the price goes lower it will make one more buy reaching its maximum of 8 buys. If the market goes even lower, the bot will sit idle. But when the symbol goes back up and makes a reasonable profit, it will sell. Since many times a range trapped symbol or one trading sideways may go up and down lots of times over relatively short periods, this logic attempts to capitalize on such up and down movements.