About this template
This bot lets you quickly open a position in one underlying. You run the bot by clicking on the Open Ticker button.
You can select any one of the following strategies by setting the appropriate switch to ON after you click the Open Ticker button.
-Iron Condor (IC)
-Short Credit Spread (SCS)
-Short Put Spread (SPS)
-Long Call
-Long Put
You can change all the inputs to the strategies from the bot level inputs including position size, days to expiration, minimum IV rank, minimum bid/ask spread, rate of return, profit potential and position/spread deltas.
This bot does not check for availability of capital as it is intended for quick scalping trades. Please use appropriately.
You can close any open position by clicking the Close Ticker button and entering the appropriate symbol to close.
If you set the Auto Close switch to ON, ALL open positions will be closed at Profit % or 3:30 PM whichever comes first. You can change the Profit % from default 50% to any other value from the Close Ticker automation input. Do not set this switch to ON if you do not want all your open positions automatically closed that day. Note - your brokerage account must permit pattern day trading if you set this switch to ON.
You can also use this bot to house the manual trades you can now execute with the 10/15/22 OA update. That way you can track all your manual trades from one bot.