We updated Exit Options to give you more control over how you manage your positions. We know how much you all love 1-minute Exit Options, and you’ve asked for additional functionality, so we’ve added more customization for each exit type.
Exit Options now support custom SmartPricing settings for each exit criteria. The expanded settings give you more control over how orders are sent to your broker.
The new custom SmartPricing settings are available everywhere you use Exit Options, including automations, manual position entry, and the new Trade Ideas. This is great if you want to customize each option differently based on the exit trigger.
SmartPricing now includes the ability to send market orders and we've expanded SmartPricing’s bid-ask spread range to allow you to try up to 150% of the spread, giving you a lot more control over how you send orders to your broker.
For example, you can be patient when exiting your winners, use a market order to immediately get out of a losing position if it hits your stop loss, or use the fast setting before expiration at more than 100% of the bid-ask spread.

We’ve also added the position’s high, low, and days to expiration and earnings to the Position Details page, so you can quickly see everything in one place.

Plus, you can now save your Exit Options as a ‘Preset’ for more customization and faster trade entry.