The new release includes two decision recipes that reference major economic announcements and specific dates. Like many other updates, these additions result from Community requests for more control and customization inside automations.
Now you can check FOMC meetings and CPI release dates to run (or not run) automations. The recipe allows you to specify if the event is scheduled for today, a defined lookback period, or a certain number of days in the future. Bots automatically track these important events, so you don’t have to remember the dates.

Recent history has shown that these announcements can be highly volatile and impact many trading strategies. Now it’s easy to avoid running automations on the days, and you can add the recipe to pre-schedule your automation’s activity.Â
Plus, you can now target specific dates before making inside automations. This gives you much more flexibility and less manual intervention when building your automations.

This new recipe is sure to be a favorite in the Community. Traders have wanted a way to specify a date in continuous automations. You can even combine these two new recipes to run automations around the Fed meeting!
