We’ve added the ability to choose between “Market Days” and “Calendar Days” in decision recipes to give you more flexibility in how and when decisions are made inside your automations.
“Market Days” considers days the market is open (typically Monday-Friday). “Calendar Days” include weekends and holidays where the market is closed.
For example, the difference between January 14th and January 21st is seven calendar days, but only five market days.

This functionality is great if you want to target a specific date in the future or reference a position’s duration in absolute terms.
For example, your bot can check to see if a position was opened more than five market days ago, which could be a different lookback period depending on weekends and holidays.

Why is this such an awesome feature? You can set up automations to ladder into and out of positions at pre-defined intervals without having to set up multiple event automations.
You can also use this feature to help avoid expiration.

The bot will automatically close the position if expiration is less than 5 market days away (typically the week of expiration).

Bots are all about giving you flexibility and complete control of your automations. This new update provides yet another layer of precision and customization in your decisions.