About this template
This is an extension of the CORE Long Equity Bot.
CORE sample bots are a great resource for traders to familiarize themselves with one of the core options trading strategies and how they can be automated through Option Alpha.
This intermediate version adds a Symbol Loop to the scanner automation for multiple tickers to be used. The symbols are set by the Ticker List input and this input is elevated to the main Settings level where it can be changed.
The scanner also has a test added to ensure only a single position is open in any ticker.
Bot Overview
- Symbols Traded: SPY, QQQ
- Position Size: 1 Share
- Max positions allowed to open per day: 2
- Max total positions allowed to be open: 2
- Exit Conditions: $5 Loss, $20 profit; this is "per position" so if you increase the shares traded, you will need to consider increasing the target and stops.
Up to ten ticker symbols can be used. They are set in the bot level Ticker List input on the bot's Settings panel.

Change the position limits to allow the bot to hold more than 2 positions at a time.

Note that the monitor used here is unchanged from the CORE Long Equity Bot (Beginner).
This is an intermediate bot template, as you learn more about autotrading, consider making two clones of this bot. You could leave one clone unchanged to learn from and observe while modifying the other clone to customize its settings and decision recipes to fit your trading style.