Using the "Lazy Trader" program, I'll show you with concrete numbers on live trades how a stop-loss order would create 50% more losing trades than if you did nothing at all and let the trade stay a loser all the way through expiration.
You probably think I'm absolutely crazy for saying this, but listen in and see what the facts say about option probabilities. I'll bet you never thought about stop-loss orders like this before.
In Today's Show, You'll Learn About:
- A review of how traditional stop loss orders work for stock and options trading.
- Why most traders think that stop losses are beneficial for them.
- The "Lazy Trader" program for investing without stop loss orders.
- A detailed look at Probability of ITM vs Probability of Touch, the key to our reasoning behind NOT using stop loss orders.
- The new game plan for exiting risk defined trades and letting probabilities work.
- Closing bell trade in GLD with credit spreads and iron condors.