We introduced error-type improvements for smoother autotrading.Â
Errors are now divided into fatal errors and soft errors. Soft errors are now considered bot warnings. Fatal errors count toward a bot’s Excessive Error Failsafe limit. The excessive errors safeguard occurs when a bot exceeds ten fatal errors in one day and will automatically turn off the bot. Soft errors include Not Enough Capital Error, Pricing Anomaly, Daily or Total Position Limit Error, and No Option Available error.Â
These bot warnings do not count toward the Excessive Error Failsafe limit and a bot will not automatically shut off from excessive soft errors.
If a bot hits the ten error limit in one day, you can always turn the bot back on and resume automations. However, if the bot encounters another error on the same day, the bot will turn off again for excessive errors. The excessive error count resets the next trading day.
You can find soft errors in your Bot Log. Toggle “Warnings only” to see a list of bot warnings. A red circle and exclamation point identify bot warnings.

Fatal errors include Leg Enforcements and Daily Underlying Symbol Limit Safeguards, as well as broker rejection errors for Overlapping Strikes, Price Exceeds Strike-Difference, and Options Approval Level.
Fatal errors can appear as “Errors” in the Bot Log. Errors are identified by a red hexagon and an “X.”

You can find all enforcements and safeguards in the Help Center. These safeguards are in place for your protection.
You should always address Soft and Fatal Errors immediately to ensure smooth bot functionality.