In this session of The Option Alpha Podcast I had a chance to interview Sarah Potter, author of "How You Can Trade Like A Pro" and founder of This self-taught trader shares her story about why a former futures trader quickly migrated over to options trading because of the better fit with her lifestyle.
You'll hear Sarah's strategy for only trading weekly options on "hot" or "popular" stocks as opposed to monthly contracts. Plus, we will dig deeper into how and why she chooses to use multiple timeframes when trading including the weekly, daily, and 60 mins charts. It's a can't miss episode!
In Today's Show, You'll Learn About:
- How she got her start trading futures and has now changed her strategy to fit her lifestyle.
- Why she prefers to trade weekly options as opposed to monthly options.
- Her 3-day weekend and why she doesn't make any trades on Monday.
- How she uses multiple chart time frames including weekly, daily and 60min to pin-point trade entry.
- Why position sizing is critical to your success when trading options.
- How she decides to select either a debit spread or credit spread.
- A detailed look at an AMZN credit spread trade she's making right now in the Closing Bell segment.