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Find 0DTE trade ideas with backtested results

Explore hundreds of 0DTE and next day trading opportunities and analyze backtested performance for every position.
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The new way to day trade options

Start searching for trades with a purpose. Filter and sort opportunities to target trades that meet your trade plan. Then see how the trade performed if you entered it at the same time every day.
Explore 0DTE trade ideas
View backtested results
Run custom backtests
Use historical market data

Every trade includes details of all positions using the underlying's previous 1 year of intraday minute data

Explore a list of actionable trade ideas that updates continuously

The 0DTE refreshes every minute throughou the day, so we're always using live data in real-time.

Trade SPX

Enjoy the benefits of index options, including cash settlement, favorable tax treatment, and no early assignment risk

Adapt with the changing market

Run custom backtests based on market conditions, underlying metrics, technical indicators, FOMC events and day of week for the last three years.

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Here's everything you need to know about
0DTE Oracle
Can I trade index options such as SPX?

Yes. SPX and XSP are available in the Option Alpha trading platform.

What options strategies are supported?

Long equity (stock) and risk-defined options strategies including; long debit spreads, short credit spreads, iron condors, and iron butterflies. Calendars, diagonals, straddles, strangles are currently not supported.

How does 0DTE Oracle work?

The 0DTE Oracle is a tool that helps us find and analyze 0DTE and next day trading opportunities. It aims to solve the problem of probabilities and expected value (EV) being less accurate for 0DTE trades by providing backtest results to help identify quality trades instead of relying on probabilities. Each trade's metrics are backtested against the underlying's previous 1 year of intraday minute data to see how trading a similar position daily would have performed over that time.

Still have questions?

Please contact to our friendly team. We'd love to help!
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Leverage automation to improve returns, find better trades, and transform into a superhuman trader.
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