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Interactive payoff charts display key stats in real time

Payoff diagrams use live data to help us visualize a position's probabilities and profit or loss for every price.
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Everything you want to know before and during a trade.

See the key stats traders want to know before entering a trade. Then track your position's P/L and probabilities dynamically.
Visualize expected payoff at expiration
Probabilities update in real-time
Automatically calculate favorable reward/risk
Track position status

All your position's data updates live with the market.

Know your trade

Visualize a trade's profit and loss for every potential price point at expiration.

Key stats at your fingertips

Max profit, max loss, breakeven prices, probabilities, EV, and Alpha shown for every trade.

Visualize live pricing

See where a stock's current price is relative to the position's profit and loss diagram.

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Here's everything you need to know about
Payoff Diagrams
What options strategies are supported?

Long equity (stock) and risk-defined options strategies including; long debit spreads, short credit spreads, iron condors, and iron butterflies. Calendars, diagonals, straddles, strangles are currently not supported.

Can I autotrade both stocks and options?

Yes, both stocks and options are available to autotrade inside Option Alpha. Please view our full list of supported symbols for more information.

Can I filter trading opportunities before entering new trades?

Yes. You have the ability to filter trading opportunities before entering them inside your bots. For example, you could create an automation that only enters a short put spread IF the return on capital is greater than 30% AND the the bid/ask spread is less than $0.05 AND the probability of profit is great than 70%. This is just a small sample, but as you can see, there's a lot of flexibility and power in what you can do.

Still have questions?

Please contact to our friendly team. We'd love to help!
Be a more powerful options trader
Leverage automation to improve returns, find better trades, and transform into a superhuman trader.
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