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Automatically monitor your positions every minute of the day

Use technology to replace the stressful, time-consuming process of babysitting trades.
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Plan your exit before you enter

Let's face it: manually monitoring a portfolio of positions is a lot of work. Preset all your exit conditions when you open your trade. And let automation handle the rest.
Hands-off position management
Multiple exit criteria
Customizable settings
Multiple ways to manage your trades

Use profit targets, stop-losses, trailing stops, expiration, earnings, and more to automatically close positions.

Custom settings for every option

SmartPricing gives you full control over managing your positions.

All-day automated monitoring

Exit Options track your positions every minute of the day, automatically sending and canceling orders.

Adjust as you go

Modify your Exit options at any time. Use automation to update your Exit Options as markets change.

Trailing stops and 1-minute exit options have greatly improved my trust in automated trading. If my position doesn’t get filled right away, I don’t need to worry as it will keep trying every minute.


Here's everything you need to know about
Exit Options
When do Exit Options start monitoring my position?

Exit Options run from 9:40am EST - 3:50pm EST.

Exit Options begin monitoring your position immediately and will check your criteria every minute. Plus, you can select the PDT box and the bot won't close a position until the next day to avoid pattern day trading.

Can I change a position's Exit Options after I open the position?

Absolutely. Select the position in the Position's tab and you can edit any of the Exit Options.

Can I use Exit Options and Monitor automations?

Yes, you can use Exit Options and Monitor automations simultaneously. To avoid overlapping with other automations, bots employ a collision avoidance system that will actively prevent an action from taking place when an identical action is already in process. The event sequence is set to run Exit Options before other automations in the following order:  Exit Options, Scheduled Events, Monitors, and Scanners.

Still have questions?

Please contact to our friendly team. We'd love to help!
Be a more powerful options trader
Leverage automation to improve returns, find better trades, and transform into a superhuman trader.
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