We’ve created four new bot decision recipes to add flexibility when building your automations. Now you can reference a bot’s trade history and active orders when making decisions.

Two of the new decision recipes check when a bot last opened or closed a position. There are a lot of creative ways to use these recipes.
For example, you can tell the bot to check if a position has been opened in the last two market days so that you can spread out your position entries. The recipe enables you to use a scanner automation to ladder into positions instead of an event automation.

PS - You can also use bot or position tags to add precision and flexibility to your bot by tagging a bot's activities.
The other two recipes are great for avoiding position “stomping" when hedging or adjusting.
For example, if a bot is actively opening a position, the recipe forces the bot to wait until that action is complete before progressing to the next automation step. This prevents entering positions in rapid-fire succession.

These new decisions allow you to check bot activity when making decisions inside an automation and give you a whole new world of possibilities.